Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Poster Series Design Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Poster Series Design - Research Paper Example Posters are used as a form of communication medium due to their ability to pass massive information on a small sheet space (Poulin, 2012). The work of a poster designer is to transform written information into visual form. In other cases, designers might compelled to using typography only in order to demonstrate uniqueness as well as their skills in poster design art. Unity is the first step towards achieving a poster series. This aspect promotes order in composition thus reducing confusion when faced with a pile of work. In this section, a designer ought to assemble the headlines, photographs as well as the logos to be used in the poster series design. Unity is achieved through the employment of four major principles. This include; proximity, repetition, continuation and underlying colour. Proximity is based on the natural concept of arrangement that perpetuates, â€Å"things that belong to the same group go together in pattern formation.† Proximity helps the designer to group texts, objects or people in order to enhance clarity in the message (Poulin, 2012). When items from the same group for instance interlinked collection of watches are arranged in a close proximity, the viewers’ eyes can shift smoothly form one item to the next. As a result, the items create a visual unity thus communicating a similar message to the viewers. Th e arranging of items in a specific group is essential in poster series design as it draws the attention of viewers. Repetition is another method of creating unity in a poster series design. The viewers’ eyes are lured into following a repeated sequence of shapes, values and colours. In this case, the eyes are able to link the images irrespective of the group arrangement. A designer ought to create a series of repeated patterns in form of shapes at the poster’s background to create a tilling effect. Tilling effect creates a visual structure and interest thus tying together the elements in the foreground (Graphic Design

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