Friday, November 1, 2019

Discuss about the movie Super Size me, and how its related to Pop Essay

Discuss about the movie Super Size me, and how its related to Pop CultureMcdonaldization - Essay Example 'Super Size Me' undoubtedly deals with the question of where company onus bleeds into personal responsibility, but the film concentrates on the more grisly results of a McDonald's-only diet and on a culture of a fast food country. Spurlock ate nothing but McDonald's, three times a day for thirty days, and imitated the exercise sample of an average American by only walking a few thousand steps a day. Although, especially in the United States, the omnipresent hamburger chain has been around for a long time, it was sociologist George Ritzer who in 1996 coined the phrase 'McDonaldization' in his book "The McDonaldization of Society". It refers not only to food but to a number of different areas. This "sweeping through seemingly impervious institutions " (Ritzer 1996) has had its impact upon diverse institutions. It is part of a massive bureaucratization of everyday life which leads to a progressive standardization (Ritzer1993). The hamburger is not only consumed physically as a material substance, but is consumed culturally as an image and an icon of a particular way of life (Featherstone). The awful revelation made by "Super Size Me" of the increase in obesity in America and, more impor

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